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RSS comes to Doggieville
No not the Royal Statistical Society, nor Really Succulent Sausages. We're talking about Really Simple Syndication.
As well as page, there is also a feed the local news page.
29 August 2006
New Article: 23
Apparently there's there's a TV show that's become quite popular recently. It's about naughty terrorists who come up with implausible schemes to destroy the glorious US of A. Fortunatly Jack Bauer and Co are here to save us, at least those of us that they don't torture to death or blow up in pursuit of right-think.
Not Clicking Here will be considered an unamerican act.
12 August 2006
Codger Alert
Due to popular demand, we are proud to present a new J.R. Hartley Diary. Which he wrote before he needed a colostomy bag.
A masterpeice? Or a cynical attempt to take advantage of one of the most searched for things in Doggieville? You decide.
23 May 2006
Step away from the mute button
The music section has had a bit of a tidy up. We've got rid of all those pesky mod files and converted them to mp3's. Plus we've added more tracks.
18 May 2006
New Article: Rabbit Rampage
We've posted a new furry tale. It's got a rabbit. That goes on a rampage. Who would have guessed.
Fondle here.
02 May 2006
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